Recently I’ve encountered an issue when deploying a VM from one of my vRA blueprint. I receive a message “Read timed out; nested exception is Read time out”. When you click on the deployment, you receive the error as shown in the picture below.
So, the first instinct is to reboot the vRA appliances whenever possible.
So I reboot the IaaS VM follow by the vRA appliance. You can refer to the VMWare documentation on the reboot sequence.
After reboot, I login to the vRA VAMI page (https://<vRA_IP>:5480) to verify that all the services are registered. (Do give it some time to start e.g. 10-15min).
I realized that the IaaS-service is not showing REGISTERED.
From IaaS VM, navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VCAC\Server\Model Manager Web\Logs and take alook at the Repository.log. Observed that there is an error connecting to the SQL server.
Then that prompt me to login to the SQL server to take a look. Then I realized that the MSSQLSERVER service is not showing “Running”. It is showing “Starting” which is obvious not working properly.
Then I restarted the service and ensure that it is showing Running. You may want to verify that the credentials and password if yours is using service account instead of Local System account.
The IaaS-service show REGISTERED shortly after the MSSQLSERVER service had been restarted.
After verifying that all the services are showing REGISTERED, you can proceed to resubmit your failed deployment by clicking on the Actions > Resubmit.
Likewise you can create a new deployment from blueprint.
Good Luck!